Lindsay West’s new book ‘Coaching with Values’
Most people have an idea of what values are and know they are important, but few know which values are most important to them. Understanding and living our values benefits our emotional, mental, physical and spiritual wellbeing.
Over the past 10 years, Lindsay West has developed the I-VALUE Coaching methodology which puts values at the heart of coaching practice, dramatically changing the way people think, speak and live, giving lasting benefit.
In Coaching with Values, Lindsay West introduces the concept of values, explaining where our values come from and why they are important in coaching others to achieve success, happiness and fulfilment in their lives.
You can discover the power of the I-VALUE Coaching methodology, through its comprehensive framework and detailed techniques which enable you to adopt a values-based approach to your own life and practice.
Coaching with Values leads you from the first exploration of values through to using values for setting goals, managing emotions and making change. Motivation, self-esteem, decision-making and reducing stress are all examined through the enlightening perspective of values.