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Life and Career Success

‘A vision without a task is just a dream;
a task without a vision is drudgery;
with a vision and a task, the world is yours’

Whether it is life or career success we seek, after an amazing summer of London based Olympics and Paralympics, we must all surely see the importance of both the vision and the task.  So many athletes with their sights set on medals, putting in hours and hours of relentless training to achieve their vision.  Aiming for that moment when they will be standing on that podium, seeing the crowds cheering, hearing their national anthem playing and feeling the weight of that precious medal around their necks.

Each and every one of them is a shining example to us all of just what is possible in terms of both life and career success.  So how do we take inspiration from their achievements?

Start with the vision; decide what it is you really want, get a clear picture in your mind and use all your senses to enhance the scene:

  •  see what is around you, the people, the objects
  •  hear the noises and voices
  •  feel what it really feels like
  •  smell the smells around you
  •  taste the taste of sweet success

Once you have that clear vision, work back from it on a timeline, for example if you plan to achieve your vision in 3 years, think about what needs to be in place in 2 years, then in 1 year, then in 6 months, then in 3 months then what do you need to be doing differently today to make this happen.

You then have the start of your plan to achieve your vision.

Draw on your values for motivation, for example if you have strong values of achievement, recognition, support, making a difference, success, or contribution etc. these will all help to fuel your enthusiasm and carry you through the difficult times. For more information on values have a look at the free values exercise on my website

Next you will need to schedule the tasks required, to support your plan, into your diary.  It can help to have a coach, like myself, a mentor or a good friend to help, by holding you accountable for completing those tasks.  Share your vision with friends and family to get the support you need.

Now you are all set to get started, so… on your marks, get set, go!

I wish you every success.



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